M&E in practice: New survey reveals current state of PR measurement
The Asia-Pacific Association of Communication Directors (APACD), in partnership with PRovoke Media and independent communication agency Ruder Finn, has just released its 2022 Asia-Pacific Communications Index. The survey of 120 senior in-house communicators across Asia-Pacific provides some important insights into the state of measurement and evaluation today.
Here are our three take-outs from the research and the lessons for communicators.
Measure what matters
Insight: The effectiveness of PR continues to rely on proxy metrics such as media clippings, sentiment or awareness. Many fewer respondents used tangible business metrics such as sales or business outcomes.
Lesson for communicators: We need to speak the language of the c-suite and that is financial performance.
Take the lead
Insight: PR agencies are seen as lagging when it comes to effectively measuring their PR outcomes. A large majority of in-house communicators (67%) rated measurement and evaluation by their agency partner as somewhat effective. Less than 10% of all comms leaders surveyed rated agencies extremely or very effective in measuring their value.
Lesson for agencies: There is a significant opportunity for seize the day, differentiate their offer and be a leader in PR measurement and evaluation.
PR is more than just media
Insight: Yes, media relations continues to be the core service that in-house comms teams lean on when engaging an agency. However, we now do so much more than just media. Crisis management, corporate reputation and brand activism are just some of a long tail of services we provide clients.
Lesson for the industry: Reporting only on media metrics does us all a disservice. PR and communication is much more than media so we should be measuring and reporting a portfolio of metrics from across the communication spectrum – including, but not only, media.
If you want to move from being an outputs communicator to an outcomes communicator, email us at info@commdiv.com.au
Paul Cheal